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Schedule of Events

RFA Release Date:                               May 22, 2024
Applicant Conference:                        June 12, 2024, at 9:30 AM ET
Applicant Conference
Questions Due:                                   June 14, 2024, by 4:00 PM ET
Questions, Answers, and
Updates Posted:(on or about)          July 1, 2024
Applications Due:                               July 17, 2024, by 4:00 PM ET

Contact Name:
Margaret Smalls
Director, Bureau of HIV Ambulatory Care Services
New York State Department of Health/AIDS Institute

RFA 24-0003 – Advancing Health Equity through Comprehensive Community-Based HIV Ambulatory Care Services – Reissue (PDF)

RFA 24-0003 – Advancing Health Equity through Comprehensive Community-Based HIV Ambulatory Care Services – Reissue Addendum 1 (PDF)

RFA 24-0003 – Advancing Health Equity through Comprehensive Community-Based HIV Ambulatory Care Services – Reissue Questions and Answers (PDF)

Attachment 1 – Application Cover Page (DOCX)
Attachment 2 – Application Checklist (DOCX)
Attachment 3 – Ryan White Guidance for Part B Direct Service Contractors (PDF)
Attachment 5 – Electronic Health Records Assessment (DOCX)
Attachment 6 – Statement of Assurances (DOCX)
Attachment 7 – Bureau of HIV Ambulatory Care Guiding Principles 2022 (PDF)
Attachment 8 – Component A Work Plan (PDF)
Attachment 9 – Component B Work Plan (PDF)
Attachment 10 – Health Equity Definitions and Examples (PDF)
Attachment 11 – General Terms and Conditions HRI Contracts (PDF)
Attachment 12 – Proposed Site Location Days and Hours of Operation (DOCX)
Attachment 13 – Service Delivery Experience Table (DOCX)
Attachment 14 – Program Implementation Timeline (DOCX)
Attachment 15 – Accessibility Referral Navigation and Services Continuum Assessment (DOCX)
Attachment 16 – Agency Capacity and Staffing Information (DOC)
Attachment 18 – Ryan White Specific Budget Forms and Justification (XLS)
Attachment 19 – Instructions for Completion of Budget Forms for Solicitations (PDF)
Attachment 23 – Funding History for HIV Services (DOCX)